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Spring Brand Reps

Happy Monday to you al!! I’ve poured over ALL of applicants to our brand rep search. This is always such a hard decision! Representing our brand for April and May will be…clockwise from top left:






Aren’t their accounts just beautiful? I often get asked some common questions when we conclude a brand rep search so I thought I’d offer some tips here of what I look for. It may surprise you!

#1 Clear Photos- Think light and bright.

#2 Brand Harmony- Does the feed match my products? I love many things other than home décor, but for brand rep purposes I have to be selective because I am spending my marketing budget to decorate your home.

#3 Continuity and Consistency- Does the feed flow and I know what I can expect when I send you free product or will I be taking a big risk? On this same note- are most of the photos in your feed your own? If I have to dig and dig to find what your home actually looks like, it makes it more difficult. Is it April 1st and you haven’t posted since January? How will I know you will be consistent and not drop the ball after I choose you?

#4 Room to Grow- Is there room on any of your walls for my product or is every photo so completely packed to the brim that I don’t even think there’s room to represent my brand?

#5 Should I enter again? YES! I can only choose four reps every two months because of the marketing budget, but imagine how hard it is to narrow down almost 70 entries to just FOUR! It doesn’t mean I didn’t want to choose you. ;) I’ve had people enter multiple rounds and get picked on a second or third time around.

#6 Do you choose based on follower numbers? NOPE. I’ve actually had people who’ve entered check up on me in this way and then private message me and thank me for NOT just choosing the accounts with the highest followers. For me, it is about so much more! I really do look for people and homes that I think will match my brand well, and not focus on their reach.

I hope these tips help when you are trying to dip your toes into the brand rep world! Our next search will be posted at the end of May so be on the lookout! As a thank you, please enjoy code REP15 for 15% off your purchase in our Etsy shop.

Valid through 4/5/19